Thursday, April 15, 2010

Quick views on EIA stocks - TD Waterhouse

"This move is all driven by the large drop in imports. It's hard to say how much you can read into it because the imports number is highly volatile and stochastic. It may be a one-off drop in imports."

"I think imports will be back on the rise because we know OPEC is overproducing. So I don't expect (crude) stocks being drawn like this often."

"U.S. refiners are in a similar position as OPEC. They are eager to produce more with the upcoming onset of driving season, but crack spreads are still not stellar and they won't be as long as refiners are producing a lot."

"The draw in gasoline is good, but the build in distillates is a concern. We don't need to be building distillate stocks right now. The problem is that as refiners produce more gasoline, they can't help also producing a significant amount of distillate in the process."

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